programmed by Stephen Z Fadem


feet inches centimeters
Enter and select
pounds kilograms
Age under 20 years old

BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) = weight / height squared
To adjust body weight for amputation: adjusted wt = actual weight/(1- amputation percentage)
Input own percentage %
*Note: Estimate for AKA at mid thigh. Thigh wt = 10.1%
  1. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 1994 Jul-Aug;18(4):355-8. Body mass index in amputees. Tzamaloukas AH, Patron A, Malhotra D.
  2. Adv Perit Dial. 2000;16:138-42. Body mass index in patients with amputations on peritoneal dialysis: error of uncorrected estimates and proposed correction. Tzamaloukas AH, Leger A, Hill J, Murata GH.
  3. J Am Diet Assoc. 1995 Jun;95(6):646. New equation to estimate body mass index in amputees. Himes JH.
  4. J Am Diet Assoc. 1995 Feb;95(2):215-8. Current perspective on assessment of human body proportions of relevance to amputees. Osterkamp LK.
  5. Human Mechanics. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio: US Air Force; 1963. AMRL-TDR-63-123. The center of gravity of the human body. Braune W and Fiascher O
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© 2008-22, Stephen Z. Fadem, M.D., FASN. All rights reserved. No part of this application may be duplicated without written permission from the author.


The licensee or user understand and agree that the technology and content of this application are provided for educational purposes only. All calculations must be checked for accuracy and confirmed before use, clinical or otherwise. All medical decisions must be based upon the clinical judgment of a licensed physician. Licensee or user assumes the duty to have any and all laboratory values or calculations verified by a licensed physician. Neither licensor nor its associated authors or other entities warrant the accuracy of any information provided by or resulting from the technology or the content for clinical management, and licensee or user agree that no such persons or entities shall be liable for any adverse consequences resulting from the use of any of the same.

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