Programmed by Stephen Z. Fadem, M.D., FASN and Joseph Fadem



I would NOT be surprised if my patient died in the next 6 months.
I would be surprised if my patient died in the next 6 months.

AGE years

My patient HAS dementia.
My patient does NOT have dementia.

My patient HAS peripheral vascular disease.
My patient does NOT have peripheral vascular disease.

XBETA: ???
Predicted Six Month Survival: ???%
Predicted Twelve Month Survival: ???%
Predicted Eighteen Month Survival: ???%

REFERENCE:Cohen LM, Ruthhazer R, Moss AH, Germain MJ. Predicting Six-Month Mortality for Patients who are on Maintenance Hemodialysis
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Dec 3

Supporting data table

© 2008-24, Stephen Z. Fadem, M.D., FASN. All rights reserved. No part of this application may be duplicated without written permission from the author.


The licensee or user understand and agree that the technology and content of this application are provided for educational purposes only. All calculations must be checked for accuracy and confirmed before use, clinical or otherwise. All medical decisions must be based upon the clinical judgment of a licensed physician. Licensee or user assumes the duty to have any and all laboratory values or calculations verified by a licensed physician. Neither licensor nor its associated authors or other entities warrant the accuracy of any information provided by or resulting from the technology or the content for clinical management, and licensee or user agree that no such persons or entities shall be liable for any adverse consequences resulting from the use of any of the same.

Licensee or user shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless licensor, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers and employees from and against any claims, demands or causes of action whatsoever, including without limitation those arising on account of, or resulting from the exercise or practice of the license granted hereunder by licensee, its sublicensees, if any, its subsidiaries or other officers, employees, agents or representatives.


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